EdgeTX Gold Partner
由于欧盟税制改革,如果选择标准运输方式,将向发往欧盟成员国的订单添加增值税费用。 DHL 等替代运输方式不收取增值税。需要提供收件人的增值税和 EORI 帐号。
- 如需更多常见问题解答和在线资源,请点击此处查看。
- 如需保修和支持,请打开支持票。 - 所有教程视频,请查看RadioMaster Youtube 频道。
Give the gift that never goes out of style! Regardless of who you’re celebrating, RadioMaster Gift Cards are a quick and easy way for you and your favorite RadioMaster products to shop. Treat your loved ones to the enjoyment of shopping with the convenient Gift Cards.
1. After you purchase a gift card, we will email your gift card to the recipient within just a few minutes.
2. The recipient can use the gift card code when placing an order on the website to redeem it.
3. The gift card amount can be used toward all purchases on the RadioMaster website.
由于欧盟税制改革,如果选择标准运输方式,将向发往欧盟成员国的订单添加增值税费用。 DHL 等替代运输方式不收取增值税。需要提供收件人的增值税和 EORI 帐号。
- 如需更多常见问题解答和在线资源,请点击此处查看。
- 如需保修和支持,请打开支持票。 - 所有教程视频,请查看RadioMaster Youtube 频道。