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由于欧盟税制改革,如果选择标准运输方式,将向发往欧盟成员国的订单添加增值税费用。 DHL 等替代运输方式不收取增值税。需要提供收件人的增值税和 EORI 帐号。
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- 如需保修和支持,请打开支持票。 - 所有教程视频,请查看RadioMaster Youtube 频道。
The RadioMaster ER series of PWM receivers are based on the revolutionary ExpressLRS system. It offers high performance, high reliability, flexible configuration, fast response speed and ultra-long range bringing you brand new experience with your hobby.
The ER4 PWM receiver can drive 4 servos simultaneously. Designed with a very small volume, it is suitable for small aircraft models, ship models, car models and other models that require a small or lightweight receiver while still providing full range.
由于欧盟税制改革,如果选择标准运输方式,将向发往欧盟成员国的订单添加增值税费用。 DHL 等替代运输方式不收取增值税。需要提供收件人的增值税和 EORI 帐号。
- 如需更多常见问题解答和在线资源,请点击此处查看。
- 如需保修和支持,请打开支持票。 - 所有教程视频,请查看RadioMaster Youtube 频道。